Observations represent medical documentations. Observations are assigned to a patient and may be searched. A search request (GET) for patient observations returns a bundle of one or more FHIR items of type KBV_PR_AW_Observation_Befund.


Example: this search requests fetches all observations of patient 6006 using paging to limit the number of results.

Data of a specific observation may be fetched using a read request (GET) with the identifier of the specific observation. The request returns a FHIR item of type KBV_PR_AW_Observation_Befund.


Example: this read request returns the FHIR item for observation with ID egIIGDULo0Gdw6ld. The ID may be retrieved by a search request sent before this request.

<Observation xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
    <id value="egIIGDULo0Gdw6ld"/>
        <versionId value="1"/>
        <lastUpdated value="2022-08-02T00:00:00+00:00"/>
        <profile value="https://fhir.kbv.de/StructureDefinition/KBV_PR_AW_Observation_Befund|1.2.0"/>
        <status value="extensions"/>
        <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">Befund von Patient </div>
    <status value="final"/>
            <system value="https://fhir.kbv.de/CodeSystem/KBV_CS_AW_Befundart"/>
            <code value="Eigenbefund"/>
            <system value="https://fhir.kbv.de/CodeSystem/KBV_CS_AW_Ressourcentyp"/>
            <code value="Befund"/>
            <system value="http://loinc.org"/>
            <code value="8478-0"/>
        <reference value="Patient/PatientIdentifier"/>
        <reference value="Encounter/"/>
    <valueString value="Blutdruck: 140/90 mm[Hg]."/>