The e-prescription is the digital pendant to the classic paper-based prescription document, which a patient may receive from a doctor. One way to access the prescription data uses a paper-based document with e-prescription data (prescription-id and access code) presented as QR-code. After scanning the QR-code and accessing the prescription-id and access code the prescription data may be fetched using the Accept-Task-request (see RED interchange API - E-Prescription / Pharmacy / Accept Task).

An alternative way of accessing stored prescription data uses the patients electronic health card. After identifying the patient by reading card data and executing a Versichertenstammdatenmanagement (VSDM) request the prescription tasks with prescription ids and access codes are fetched, with them the prescription data may be fetched. RED provides this function in its Telematik-Safe frontend (see RED telematik safe) and via the RED interchange API.

In order to access stored prescriptions via an interchange API request the patients electronic health card must be accessible. It must be inserted to a card terminal that is connected to RED. In the current version RED expects one eGK only. If none or more than one eGK can be accessed the request will be returned with an error message.


This request returns the medication bundle similar to the Accept-Task request (see example there - RED interchange API - E-Prescription / Pharmacy / Accept Task).

By adding the parameter "bundle=raw" this request returns the unprocessed outerBundle of the fetched prescription task only. 
