Patient medication uses several FHIR bundles to cover all aspects-


Medication represents a pharmaceutical product assigned to a patient. Medications are assigned to a patient and may be searched. A search request (GET) for patient medication returns a bundle of one or more FHIR items of type KBV_PR_AW_Medikament.


Example: this search requests fetches all Medications of patient 6006 using paging to limit the number of results

For an example see RED Interchange API - Postman Collection 0118 - Patient - All Medication (Medikament)

Data of a specific medication may be fetched using a read request (GET) with the identifier of the specific medication. The request returns a FHIR item of type KBV_PR_AW_Medikament.


Example: this read request returns the FHIR item for a medication item with ID egMNGiQHERUmzlrP. The ID may be retrieved by a search request sent before this request.

For an example see RED Interchange API - Postman Collection 0119 - Patient - Specific Medication

<Medication xmlns="">
    <id value="egMNGiQHERUmzlrP"/>
        <versionId value="1"/>
        <lastUpdated value="2022-08-03T18:44:24+00:00"/>
        <profile value="|1.2.0"/>
        <status value="extensions"/>
        <div xmlns="">Medikament von PatientLuca Fink</div>
            <system value=""/>
            <code value="01231440"/>
        <text value="SINUPRET DRAGEES 2X10X50St"/>
            <system value=""/>
            <code value="UTA"/>
            <value value="1000"/>
            <unit value="St"/>
            <value value="1"/>

Medication Statement

A medication statement represents a relation between a pharmaceutical product and a patient if the patients uses this product as part of his permanent medication. Medications Statements are assigned to a patient and may be searched. A search request for patient medication returns a bundle of one or more FHIR items of type KBV_PR_AW_Dauermedikation.


Example: this search requests fetches all Medications of patient 6006 using paging to limit the number of results

For an example see RED Interchange API - Postman Collection 0120 - Patient - All MedicationStatements (Dauermedikation)

As medication statement does not contain any relevant information but the reference between medication and patient we currently do nor provide a read request for a specific statement.

<MedicationStatement xmlns="">
    <id value="Zemu6XkBDrpsrArZE1A46I7EAgEKNLAS"/>
        <versionId value="1"/>
        <lastUpdated value="2022-08-03T18:51:45+00:00"/>
        <profile value="|1.2.0"/>
        <status value="extensions"/>
        <div xmlns="">Dauermedikation von Patient Luca Fink</div>
    <extension url="">
        <valueString value=""/>
    <status value="active"/>
        <reference value="Medication/egMNGiQHERUmzlrP"/>
        <reference value="Patient/6tVbNJZq1buNwKmp6UKpd8CpLceNDlRF/_history/1"/>

Medication Request

A medication request represents a prescription. Medication requests are assigned to a patient and may be searched. A search request for patient medication returns a bundle of one or more FHIR items of type KBV_PR_AW_Verordnung_Arzneimittel.


Example: this search requests fetches all Medication requests of patient 6006 using paging to limit the number of results

For an example see RED Interchange API - Postman Collection 0121 - Patient - All MedicationRequests (Verordnung)

<MedicationRequest xmlns="">
    <id value="gN7tsKbTW7gyqispAHTPSZuyiFBURWwm"/>
        <versionId value="1"/>
        <lastUpdated value="2022-08-04T07:15:54+00:00"/>
        <profile value="|1.2.0"/>
        <status value="extensions"/>
        <div xmlns="">(V1) | Patient Luca Fink | Medication Status active | zuletzt bearbeitet 2022-08-04T07:15:54+00:00</div>
    <status value="active"/>
    <intent value="order"/>
        <reference value="Medication/egMNGiQHERUmzlrP"/>
        <reference value="Patient/6tVbNJZq1buNwKmp6UKpd8CpLceNDlRF/_history/1"/>
    <authoredOn value="2022-08-04"/>
        <reference value="Practitioner/3xZjkMngCnOE9p1IFpiAeDvUZHDvnCHn/_history/1"/>
        <text value="0-0-0-0"/>
            <value value="1"/>
            <system value=""/>
            <code value="{Package}"/>
        <allowedBoolean value="true"/>

Extended Medication Request

This request type combines medication request and medication information and returns all products prescribed for a patient with the extended product information. Medications requests of this type are assigned to a patient and may be searched. A search request for patient medication returns a bundle of one or more FHIR items combining data from KBV_PR_AW_Verordnung_Arzneimittel and KBV_PR_AW_Medikament.


For an example see RED Interchange API - Postman Collection 0122 - Patient - All MedicationRequests (Verordnung) PZN

<MedicationRequest xmlns="">
    <id value="egQFFh8WOkx6BYyd"/>
        <versionId value="1"/>
        <lastUpdated value="2022-08-04T09:20:40+00:00"/>
        <profile value="|1.2.0"/>
        <status value="extensions"/>
        <div xmlns="">Medikament von PatientLuca Fink</div>
    <status value="active"/>
    <intent value="order"/>
        <reference value="Medication/egQFFh8WOkx6BYyd"/>
        <reference value="Patient/6tVbNJZq1buNwKmp6UKpd8CpLceNDlRF/_history/1"/>
    <authoredOn value="2022-08-04"/>
        <reference value="Practitioner/wK7hhpbEIG1qkSdvRCCd3AEA3W4lBfDB/_history/1"/>
        <text value="0-1-0-0"/>
            <value value="1"/>
            <system value=""/>
            <code value="{Package}"/>
        <allowedBoolean value="true"/>
            <system value=""/>
            <code value="05481263"/>
        <text value="METFORMIN AL 500 180St N3"/>
            <system value=""/>
            <code value="FTA"/>
            <value value="180"/>
            <unit value="St"/>
            <value value="1"/>