Coverages contain information about a patients payer and health insurance - they represent the episodes in RED. Coverages can be searched using a search request. Search must include the identifier of the patient to fetch the coverage for and returns a bundle of one or more FHIR items of type KBV_PR_AW_Krankenversicherungsverhaeltnis.


Example: this search requests fetches all coverages for patient 6006 using paging to limit the number of results.

Data of a specific coverage may be fetched using a read request with the identifier of the specific coverage. The request returns a FHIR item of type KBV_PR_AW_Krankenversicherungsverhaeltnis.


Example: this read request returns the FHIR item for a the coverage with ID ehcTAC8LUn$lKtRW. The ID may be retrieved by a search request sent before this request.

<Coverage xmlns="">
    <id value="ehcTAC8LUn$lKtRW"/>
        <versionId value="1"/>
        <lastUpdated value="2022-08-03T12:29:36+00:00"/>
        <profile value="|1.2.0"/>
        <status value="extensions"/>
        <div xmlns="">Krankenversicherungsverhaeltnis von Patient Luca Fink</div>
    <extension url="">
            <system value=""/>
            <code value="1"/>
    <extension url="">
            <system value=""/>
            <code value="51"/>
    <extension url="">
            <system value=""/>
            <code value="00"/>
    <extension url="">
            <system value=""/>
            <code value="00"/>
    <extension url="">
        <extension url="status">
            <valueBoolean value="false"/>
    <status value="cancelled"/>
            <system value=""/>
            <version value="0.9.12"/>
            <code value="GKV"/>
        <reference value="Patient/6tVbNJZq1buNwKmp6UKpd8CpLceNDlRF/_history/1"/>
        <start value="2022-01-01"/>
        <end value="2022-03-31"/>
            <system value=""/>
            <value value="100019806"/>
        <display value="Sozialamt des Kreises Borken"/>