RED interchange API allows to send FHIR bundles to RED in order to create new data using a POST request.

POST request to create new data

Example: this POST requests creates data in RED if a FHIR bundle is attached

See RED Interchange API - Postman Collection

The request header should set the content-type to "Content-Type": "application/fhir+xml; charset=UTF-8"

The request body must include a valid FHIR bundle with the items to create. 

  • patients are identified by their patient ID ( If patients are created by interface RED will use the from the Patient bundle for patient identification, and patient references of incoming data must always refer to this ID. That allows external systems to create patients in RED using their identifiers and to use the same ID in both systems.
  • all bundle items will be referenced by their IDs, their data in RED can be updated by sending a bundle with the same ID.

A condition (=EBM diagnosis) needs a reference to the practitioner who provided the service (LANR) and the practice the service was provided at (BSNR). Therefore a claim must contain a reference to a practitioner and an organization. An additional practitioner role connects practitioner and organization.

Example: RED receives a FHIR bundle and creates a condition

Miminum set to create a new patient with a condition in RED
<Bundle xmlns="">
    <id value="10000"/>
        <versionId value="1"/>
        <lastUpdated value="2022-03-25T12:52:00+00:00"/>
        <profile value="|1.2.0"/>
    <type value="history"/>
        <fullUrl value="http://test.local/fhir/Patient/4723"/>
                <id value="M4732"/>
                    <versionId value="3"/>
                    <lastUpdated value="2021-07-11T13:45:00+00:00"/>
                    <profile value="|1.2.0"/>
                <extension url="">
                    <valueBoolean value="false"/>
                <extension url="">
                    <extension url="religionszugehoerigkeit">
                        <valueString value="ev."/>
                <extension url="">
                    <extension url="code">
                                <system value=""/>
                                <code value="D"/>
                <extension url="">
                    <extension url="geschlecht">
                            <system value=""/>
                            <code value="female"/>
                    <extension url="geburtsdatum">
                        <valueDate value="1972-03-04"/>
                    <extension url="adresse">
                            <type value="physical"/>
                            <line value="Musterstr. 43">
                                <extension url="">
                                    <valueString value="Musterstr."/>
                                <extension url="">
                                    <valueString value="43"/>
                            <city value="Hamburg"/>
                            <postalCode value="20146"/>
                            <country value="D"/>
                <extension url="">
                    <valueString value="Sehr gute Patientin"/>
                            <system value=""/>
                            <code value="GKV"/>
                    <system value=""/>
                    <value value="M040319722"/>
                    <use value="official"/>
                    <text value="Silke SE von Mustermann"/>
                    <family value="Freifrau von Mustermann">
                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="SE"/>
                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="von"/>
                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="Mustermann"/>
                    <given value="Silke"/>
                    <use value="maiden"/>
                    <family value="Schmitt">
                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="Schmitt"/>
                    <system value="phone"/>
                    <value value="07755332211"/>
                    <system value="email"/>
                    <value value=""/>
                <gender value="female"/>
                <birthDate value="1972-03-04"/>
                    <type value="both"/>
                    <line value="Musterstr. 43">
                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="Musterstr."/>
                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="43"/>
                    <city value="Hamburg"/>
                    <postalCode value="20146"/>
                    <country value="D"/>
                        <system value=""/>
                        <code value="M"/>
                            <system value=""/>
                            <code value="CP"/>
                        <family value="Mustermann"/>
                        <given value="Fritz"/>
                        <system value="phone"/>
                        <value value="07755332212"/>
                            <system value="urn:ietf:bcp:47"/>
                            <code value="de-DE"/>
                    <preferred value="true"/>
        <fullUrl value="/Encounter/DKDEEDU1-TphQKgN4rdZsD5pu3767kMNprPqwkLGy-163179466271321"/>
                <id value="DKDEEDU1-TphQKgN4rdZsD5pu3767kMNprPqwkLGy-163179466271321"/>
                    <lastUpdated value="2022-03-25"/>
                    <profile value="|1.2.0"/>
                <status value="arrived"/>
                <extension url="">
                    <extension url="typ">
                            <text value="DOKTORDE"/>
                    <system value=""/>
                    <code value="AMB"/>
                    <reference value="Patient/M4732"/>
                        <reference value="PractitionerRole/MsEruEL8DtGI6JYfJpi86Mb0mMIrQkBw"/>
                    <reference value="Organization/kDp86kMB1KU7a25JYBJlYundTTlJsJOh"/>
                    <start value="2022-03-25"/>
                    <end value="2022-03-25"/>
        <fullUrl value="http://test.local/fhir/Condition/321911"/>
                <id value="321911"/>
                    <versionId value="1" />
                    <lastUpdated value="2020-09-14T18:58:00+00:00" />
                    <profile value="|1.2.0"/>
                <extension url="">
                    <valueString value="keiner"/>
                <extension url="">
                    <valueBoolean value="true"/>
                <extension url="">
                    <valueBoolean value="true"/>
                        <system value=""/>
                        <code value="active"/>
                        <system value=""/>
                        <code value="confirmed"/>
                        <system value=""/>
                        <code value="Eigendiagnose"/>
                        <system value=""/>
                        <code value="Behandlungsdiagnose"/>
                        <extension url="">
                                <system value=""/>
                                <code value="G"/>
                        <system value=""/>
                        <version value="2020"/>
                        <code value="Q90.0"/>
                    <text value="Trisomie 21"/>
                    <reference value="Patient/M4732"/>
                    <reference value="DKDEEDU1-TphQKgN4rdZsD5pu3767kMNprPqwkLGy-163179466271321"/>
                <recordedDate value="2022-03-25"/>
                    <text value="Patientin scheint leicht erkältet zu sein."/>
        <fullUrl value="http://test.local/fhir/Provenance/3002Pro"/>
                <id value="3002Pro"/>
                    <versionId value="1"/>
                    <lastUpdated value="2022-03-25T15:43:57+0200"/>
                    <profile value="|1.2.0"/>
                    <reference value="Condition/321911"/>
                <recorded value="2022-03-25T15:43:57+0200"/>
                        <system value=""/>
                        <code value="CREATE"/>
                            <system value=""/>
                            <code value="PRIMAUTH"/>
                        <reference value="Practitioner/g4tcJvOhBU9hwTlwsKWDUhmT6Zku8b7M"/>
                        <reference value="Organization/kDp86kMB1KU7a25JYBJlYundTTlJsJOh"/>


  • No labels