This collection of example requests demonstrates all RED Interchange features. It requires the web-based application Postman for execution. You can download Postman free of charge at

Download RED Interchange Examples.postman_collection.json

Version 15.07.2024 - added examples 0230a and 0231a for FHIR4 format

Version 25.02.2024 - added samples for ePA - RED interchange API - ePA

Version 14.12.2023 - added 0290 - RED interchange API - OpenPatient

Version 13.11.2023 - updated 035xRED interchange API - ePA


Once Postman has been installed you can import the RED Interchange Example collection.

The values for baseURL and tenant can be set in the Environments section to the given values.

Once imported the Requests can be opened and executed.

List of Requests


  • 0010 - All Devices: returns the device information set with system manufacturer information. 
  • 0020 - All Practitioners: Practitioners are the physicians defined in RED as users/user LANRs. Practitioners contain names and identifiers for physicians. See RED interchange API - Search/Read Practitioners
  • 0021 - Specific Practitioner: Data of a specific practitioner may be fetched using a read request with the identifier of the specific practitioner
  • 0030 - All PractitionerRoles: PractitionerRoles combine physicians and their practices defined in RED. PractitionerRoles contain a reference to practitioners and organizations. See RED interchange API - Search/Read PractitionerRoles
  • 0031 - Specific PractitionerRole: Data of a specific practitionerRole may be fetched using a read request with the identifier of the specific practitionerRole
  • 0032 - PractitionerRole for Practitioner-ID: all practitionerRoles referenced to a given practitioner
  • 0033 - PractitionerRole for Organization-ID: all practitionerRoles referenced to a given organization
  • 0040 - All Organizations: Organizations are practices defined in RED as user groups. Organizations contain e.g. addresses and contact information for a practice. See RED interchange API - Search/Read Organizations.
  • 0050 - Patient Search by Name: search for a Patient using patient name as search criteria. See RED interchange API - Search/Read Patients
  • 0051 - Specific Patient: returns patient data for patient with given (external) ID
  • 0100 - Patient - All Claims (Abrechnung): Returns all claims items for given patient ID. See RED interchange API - Search/Read Claims
  • 0101 - Patient - Specific Claim (Abrechnung): Returns an item for given claim ID. 
  • 0102 - Patient - All Conditions (Diagnosen). Diagnoses are ICD-10 diagnoses assigned to a patient. Patient diagnoses can be searched using a search request. See RED interchange API - Search/Read Diagnoses
  • 0103 - Patient - Specific Diagnosis (Diagnose): returns an item for given condition ID.
  • 0104 - Patient - All Encounters (Begebnungen): Encounters represent a patient visit or consultation. Each time a patient record is created for a patient there will be corresponding encounter. Encounters are assigned to a patient and may be searched - See RED interchange API - Search/Read Encounters
  • 0105 - Patient - Encounters in date range: all encounters for a given patient ID within a date range
  • 0106 - Patient - Encounters from date: all encounters for a given patient ID from a given date until today
  • 0107 - Patient - Specific Encounter: encounter item for given ID
  • 0108 - Patient - All Observation (Befunde): Observations represent medical documentations. Observations are assigned to a patient and may be searched. See RED interchange API - Search/Read Observations
  • 0109 - Patient - All Observation (Befunde) Tables: returns all observations for given patient with formatted tables
  • 0110 - Patient - Specific Observation: returns the observation item for given ID
  • 0111 - Patient - All Coverage (Versicherungen): Coverages contain information about a patients payer and health insurance - they represent the episodes in RED. Coverages can be searched using a search request. See RED interchange API - Search/Read Coverages
  • 0112 - Patient - All Coverages in date range: all coverages within a given date range
  • 0113 - Patient - All Coverages from date: all coverages from given date
  • 0114 - Patient - Specific Coverage: returns the coverage item for given ID
  • 0115 - Patient - All DocumentReferences: DocumentReferences represent all documents stored in the patient record. See RED interchange API - Search/Read DocumentReferences
  • 0116 - Patient - All DocumentReferences Summary: returns all document references for given patient ID but with metadata only
  • 0117 - Patient - Specific DocumentReference: returns the document for given ID
  • 0118 - Patient - All Medication (Medikament): Medication represents a pharmaceutical product assigned to a patient. Medications are assigned to a patient and may be searched. See RED Interchange API - Search/Read Medication
  • 0119 - Patient - Specific Medication: returns medication information for given ID
  • 0120 - Patient - All MedicationStatements (Dauermedikation): A medication statement represents a relation between a pharmaceutical product and a patient if the patients uses this product as part of his permanent medication
  • 0121 - Patient - All MedicationRequests (Verordnung): A medication request represents a prescription.
  • 0122 - Patient - All MedicationRequests (Verordnung) PZN: all prescriptions for given patient with their PZN IDs


  • 0200 - Patient with records: creates a new patient. See RED interchange API - Create Data Patient
  • 0201 - Patient with provenances: additional provenance objects for user group assignment
  • 0202 - Patient Minimum: creates just a new patient without other objects
  • 0203 - Patient address and contact: includes additional contact information for patient
  • 0210 - Patient Coverage with provenance. See RED interchange API - Create Data Coverage
  • 0211 - Patient and Coverage
  • 0212 - Patient and Coverage PKV
  • 0213 - Patient and Coverage PKV with Related Person
  • 0220 - Patient and DocumentReference 2. This request creates one encounter and two document references for an existing patient with provenances for user group assignment
  • 0221 - Patient and DocumentReference Full: This request creates a patient, an encounter and document reference with provenance and practitioner/organization set
  • 0230 - Patient und Medication PZN: creates a new person with coverage, practitioner and organization and medication. This set contains all data for a prescription
  • 0231- Patient und Medication PZN and create ERP: creates a new person with coverage, practitioner and organization and medication, then creates an electronic prescription and returns the prescription task ID
  • 0232 - Patient und Medication Rezeptur: creates a new person with coverage, practitioner and organization and medication for an extemporaneous mixture. This set contains all data for a prescription
  • 0233 - Patient und Medication Rezeptur and create ERP: creates a new person with coverage, practitioner and organization and medication for an extemporaneous mixture, then creates an electronic prescription and returns the prescription task ID
  • 0234 - Medication for known Patient: creates a new medication for a known patient with existing episode (coverage)
  • 0235 - Patient und Medication Rezeptur Direktzuweisung - creates a new person with coverage, practitioner and organization and medication for an extemporaneous mixture
  • 0240 - Patient and Claim
  • 0241 - Claim for a known Patient


Electronic Health Record (ePA)

  • 0350 - ePA Patient Status - fetch information on ePA availability and authorization
  • 0351 - ePA Send PDF - send a PDF file to a patients electronic health record
  • 0352 - ePA Send BMP - send medication plan to a patients electronic health record
  • 0353 - ePA Send DIGA MIO - send a structured medical information object to a patients electronic health record

TI Operations

  • 0400 - TI - GetCards: returns all cards currently available in the connected card readers. See RED interchange API - Card Operations
  • 0401 - TI - GetCards by IP: returns cards from a specific card terminal identified by its IP address
  • 0402 - TI - PinStatus: returns the current status of all pins of all cards in all card terminals
  • 0403 - TI - PinStatus by IP: returns the PIN status of all cards from a specific card terminal identified by its IP address
  • 0404 - TI - Verifypin by IP: triggeres cardterminal to send a verifyPIN request
  • 0499 - TI - isAlive - checks availability and status of the RED interchange API

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