RED interchange API allows to send FHIR bundles to RED in order to create new data using a POST request.

POST request to create new data

Example: this POST requests creates data in RED if a FHIR bundle is attached

See RED Interchange API - Postman Collection

  • 0230 - Patient und Medication PZN: creates a new person with coverage, practitioner and organization and medication for a packaged product identified by its PZN. This set contains all data for a prescription
  • 0232 - Patient und Medication Rezeptur: creates a new person with coverage, practitioner and organization and medication for an extemporaneous mixture. This set contains all data for a prescription
  • 0234 - Medication for known Patient: creates a new medication for a known patient with existing episode (coverage)
  • 0235 - Patient und Medication Rezeptur Direktzuweisung: creates a new person with coverage, practitioner and organization and medication for an extemporaneous mixture with workflowtype 169 (direct assignment to pharmacy)

The request header should set the content-type to "Content-Type": "application/fhir+xml; charset=UTF-8"

The request body must include a valid FHIR bundle with the items to create. 

  • patients are identified by their patient ID ( If patients are created by interface RED will use the from the Patient bundle for patient identification, and patient references of incoming data must always refer to this ID. That allows external systems to create patients in RED using their identifiers and to use the same ID in both systems.
  • all bundle items will be referenced by their IDs, their data in RED can be updated by sending a bundle with the same ID.

A POST request creating a new medication item may trigger the creation of an electronic prescriptions without further user action. In this scenario RED receives a data request including medication information as described here. The request is extended by an action that tells RED to start the creation of an electronic prescription right after the patient and medication data has been created. RED initiates the prescription, prompts the user for the electronic signature, sends the signed prescription to Fachdienst and returns the task-id via interface. See also RED interchange API - E-Prescription

POST request to create a new medication item and an electronic prescription

See RED Interchange API - Postman Collection 

  • 0231- Patient und Medication PZN and create ERP: creates a new person with coverage, practitioner and organization and medication for packaged product, then creates an electronic prescription and returns the prescription task ID
  • 0233 - Patient und Medication Rezeptur and create ERP: creates a new person with coverage, practitioner and organization and medication for an extemporaneous mixture, then creates an electronic prescription and returns the prescription task ID

Example: RED receives patient, coverage and medication information and creates a new person, episode and patient record entry for a standard product (PZN)
<Bundle xmlns="">
   <id value="70535347-7053-5347-1776792b827"/>
      <lastUpdated value="2021-02-03T12:06:44.650+01:00"/>
      <profile value="|1.10.010"/>
      <system value=""/>
      <value value="70535347-7053-5347-1776792b827"/>
   <type value="transaction"/>
      <extension url="">
         <extension url="">
               <system value=""/>
               <value value="Y/400/1910/36/458"/>
      <relation value="related"/>
      <url value="http://pvs.praxis-topp-gluecklich.local/fhir/Bundle/57eb40b4-07ba-b960-aca0-5227f5881292"/>
                <id value="4730"/>
                    <versionId value="3"/>
                    <lastUpdated value="2021-07-11T13:45:00+00:00"/>
                    <profile value="|1.2.0"/>
                <extension url="">
                    <valueBoolean value="false"/>
                <extension url="">
                    <extension url="religionszugehoerigkeit">
                        <valueString value="ev."/>
                <extension url="">
                    <extension url="code">
                                <system value=""/>
                                <code value="D"/>
                <extension url="">
                    <extension url="geschlecht">
                            <system value=""/>
                            <code value="female"/>
                    <extension url="geburtsdatum">
                        <valueDate value="1972-03-04"/>
                    <extension url="adresse">
                            <type value="physical"/>
                            <line value="Musterstr. 43">
                                <extension url="">
                                    <valueString value="Musterstr."/>
                                <extension url="">
                                    <valueString value="43"/>
                            <city value="Hamburg"/>
                            <postalCode value="20146"/>
                            <country value="D"/>
                <extension url="">
                    <valueString value="Sehr gute Patientin"/>
                            <system value=""/>
                            <code value="GKV"/>
                    <system value=""/>
                    <value value="M040319722"/>
                    <use value="official"/>
                    <text value="Silke SE von Mustermann"/>
                    <family value="Freifrau von Mustermann">
                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="SE"/>
                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="von"/>
                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="Mustermann"/>
                    <given value="Silke"/>
                    <use value="maiden"/>
                    <family value="Schmitt">
                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="Schmitt"/>
                    <system value="phone"/>
                    <value value="07755332211"/>
                    <system value="email"/>
                    <value value=""/>
                <gender value="female"/>
                <birthDate value="1972-03-04"/>
                    <type value="both"/>
                    <line value="Musterstr. 43">
                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="Musterstr."/>
                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="43"/>
                    <city value="Hamburg"/>
                    <postalCode value="20146"/>
                    <country value="D"/>
                        <system value=""/>
                        <code value="M"/>
                            <system value=""/>
                            <code value="CP"/>
                        <family value="Mustermann"/>
                        <given value="Fritz"/>
                        <system value="phone"/>
                        <value value="07755332212"/>
                            <system value="urn:ietf:bcp:47"/>
                            <code value="de-DE"/>
                    <preferred value="true"/>
                <id value="TCI7596-1-1629639837586"/>
                    <versionId value="1"/>
                    <lastUpdated value="2021-08-22T15:43:57+0200"/>
                    <profile value="|1.2.0"/>
                            <system value=""/>
                            <code value="GKV"/>
                    <system value=""/>
                    <value value="M040319722"/>
                <extension url="">
                        <system value=""/>
                        <code value="1"/>
                <extension url="">
                        <system value=""/>
                        <code value="00"/>
                        <display value="nicht gesetzt"/>
                <status value="active"/>
                <type url="">
                        <system value=""/>
                        <version value="0.2.3"/>
                        <code value="GKV"/>
                    <reference value="Patient/4730"/>
                        <system value=""/>
                        <value value="109577006"/>
                    <start value="2022-04-01"/>
                    <end value="2022-07-31"/>
        <fullUrl value="/Practitioner/g4tcJvOhBU9hwTlwsKWDUhmT6Zku8b7M"/>
            <Practitioner xmlns="">
                <id value="g4tcJvOhBU9hwTlwsKWDUhmT6Zku8b7M"/>
                    <versionId value="1"/>
                    <lastUpdated value="2021-11-19T00:00:00+00:00"/>
                    <profile value="|1.2.0"/>
                    <status value="extensions"/>
                    <div xmlns="">Behandler Konstantin Heinrich</div>
                            <system value=""/>
                            <code value="LANR"/>
                    <system value=""/>
                    <value value="479999912"/>
                    <use value="official"/>
                    <text value="Konstantin Heinrich"/>
                    <family value="Heinrich">
                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="Heinrich"/>
                    <given value="Konstantin"/>
                    <system value="phone"/>
                    <value value="017670834812"/>
                    <system value="email"/>
                    <value value=""/>
                    <type value="both"/>
                    <line value="Dudenstraße 11">
                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="Dudenstraße"/>
                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="11"/>
                    <city value="Bad Hersfeld"/>
                    <postalCode value="36251"/>
                    <country value="D"/>
                <gender value="male">
                    <extension url="">
                            <system value=""/>
                            <code value="M"/>
                            <display value="männlich"/>
                            <system value=""/>
                            <code value="05"/>
        <fullUrl value="/Organization/kDp86kMB1KU7a25JYBJlYundTTlJsJOh"/>
            <Organization xmlns="">
                <id value="kDp86kMB1KU7a25JYBJlYundTTlJsJOh"/>
                    <versionId value="1"/>
                    <lastUpdated value="2021-09-07T00:00:00+00:00"/>
                    <profile value="|1.2.0"/>
                    <status value="extensions"/>
                    <div xmlns="">Organisation Dr. Heinrich</div>
                <extension url="">
                    <valueCode value="BSNR"/>
                            <system value=""/>
                            <code value="BSNR"/>
                    <system value=""/>
                    <value value="AD1234500"/>
                <name value="Dr. Heinrich"/>
                    <country value="D"/>
      <fullUrl value=""/>
         <MedicationRequest xmlns="">
            <id value="7f46adc9-b72e-8d3b-942e-c2a2ee6f5acc-4093"/>
               <profile value="|1.10.010"/>
            <extension url="">
                     <system value=""/>
                     <code value="00"/>
            <extension url="">
               <extension url="gebuehrenfrei">
                  <valueBoolean value="false"/>
            <extension url="">
                     <system value=""/>
                     <code value="M16"/>
                     <display value="Muster 16"/>
            <extension url="">
               <valueBoolean value="true"/>
               <value value="70535347-7053-5347-4094"/>
            <intent value="order"/>
               <reference value="Medication/69873"/>
               <reference value="Patient/4730"/>
            <authoredOn value="2023-05-18T12:05:00+01:00"/>
                  <reference value="Practitioner/g4tcJvOhBU9hwTlwsKWDUhmT6Zku8b7M"/>
                  <reference value="Organization/kDp86kMB1KU7a25JYBJlYundTTlJsJOh"/>
				<extension url="">
					<valueBoolean value="true"/>
				<text value="0-2-0-0"/>
					<value value="1"/>
					<system value=""/>
					<code value="{Package}"/>
               <allowed value="true"/>
         <method value="POST"/>
         <url value="MedicationRequest"/>
      <fullUrl value=""/>
         <Medication xmlns="">
            <id value="69873"/>
               <profile value="|1.10.010"/>
                  <system value=""/>
                  <code value="10203603"/>
               <text value="Aspirin 500 mg 20 überzogene Tabletten"/>
            <isOverTheCounter value="true"/>
                  <system value=""/>
                  <code value="UTA"/>
                  <display value="Ueberzogene Tabletten"/>
                  <text value="Acetylsalicyls??ure"/>
                     <value value="500.0"/>
                     <unit value="mg"/>
                     <system value=""/>
                     <code value="mg"/>
                     <value value="1.0"/>
                     <unit value="Stück"/>
                     <system value=""/>
                     <code value="1"/>
               <extension url="">
                     <value value="7.38"/>
                     <unit value="EUR"/>
                     <system value="urn:iso:std:iso:4217"/>
                     <code value="EUR"/>
                     <text value="Aspirin 500 mg überzogene Tabletten"/>
                     <value value="20"/>
                     <unit value="st"/>
                     <system value=""/>
                     <code value="st"/>
         <method value="POST"/>
         <url value="Medication"/>
      <fullUrl value="http://pvs.praxis-topp-gluecklich.local/fhir/MedicationStatement/e7cfc8b6-411d-44bf-a597-f756a6aa224f" />
            <id value="e7cfc8b6-411d-44bf-a597-f756a6aa224f" />
               <profile value="|1.10.010" />
           <status value="active"/>  
            <reference value="Medication/69873"/>
            <reference value="Patient/4730"/>
           <taken value="na"/>
                        <system value=""/>
                        <code value="HS"/>
                  <value value="1"/>
                  <unit value="Stück"/>
                  <system value=""/>
                  <code value="1"/>
         <method value="POST" />
         <url value="/MedicationStatement/"/>

Example: RED receives patient, coverage and medication information and creates a new person, episode and patient record entry for a medication formula prescription (Rezepturverordnung)
<Bundle xmlns="">
    <id value="70535347-7053-5347-1776792b827"/>
        <lastUpdated value="2021-02-03T12:06:44.650+01:00"/>
        <profile value="|1.10.010"/>
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        <value value="70535347-7053-5347-1776792b827"/>
    <type value="transaction"/>
        <extension url="">
            <extension url="">
                    <system value=""/>
                    <value value="Y/400/1910/36/458"/>
        <relation value="related"/>
        <url value="http://pvs.praxis-topp-gluecklich.local/fhir/Bundle/57eb40b4-07ba-b960-aca0-5227f5881292"/>
                <id value="4727"/>
                    <versionId value="3"/>
                    <lastUpdated value="2021-07-11T13:45:00+00:00"/>
                    <profile value="|1.2.0"/>
                <extension url="">
                    <valueBoolean value="false"/>
                <extension url="">
                    <extension url="religionszugehoerigkeit">
                        <valueString value="ev."/>
                <extension url="">
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                                <system value=""/>
                                <code value="D"/>
                <extension url="">
                    <extension url="geschlecht">
                            <system value=""/>
                            <code value="female"/>
                    <extension url="geburtsdatum">
                        <valueDate value="1972-03-04"/>
                    <extension url="adresse">
                            <type value="physical"/>
                            <line value="Musterstr. 43">
                                <extension url="">
                                    <valueString value="Musterstr."/>
                                <extension url="">
                                    <valueString value="43"/>
                            <city value="Hamburg"/>
                            <postalCode value="20146"/>
                            <country value="D"/>
                <extension url="">
                    <valueString value="Sehr gute Patientin"/>
                            <system value=""/>
                            <code value="GKV"/>
                    <system value=""/>
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                    <use value="official"/>
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                            <valueString value="SE"/>
                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="von"/>
                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="Mustermann"/>
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                    <use value="maiden"/>
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                            <valueString value="Schmitt"/>
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                    <value value="07755332211"/>
                    <system value="email"/>
                    <value value=""/>
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                <birthDate value="1972-03-04"/>
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                            <valueString value="Musterstr."/>
                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="43"/>
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                    <postalCode value="20146"/>
                    <country value="D"/>
                        <system value=""/>
                        <code value="M"/>
                            <system value=""/>
                            <code value="CP"/>
                        <family value="Mustermann"/>
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                    <lastUpdated value="2021-08-22T15:43:57+0200"/>
                    <profile value="|1.2.0"/>
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                        <system value=""/>
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                <extension url="">
                        <system value=""/>
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                    <end value="2022-07-31"/>
        <fullUrl value="/Practitioner/g4tcJvOhBU9hwTlwsKWDUhmT6Zku8b7M"/>
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                    <system value=""/>
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                    <system value="phone"/>
                    <value value="017670834812"/>
                    <system value="email"/>
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                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="11"/>
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                    <postalCode value="36251"/>
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                            <system value=""/>
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                            <system value=""/>
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                            <system value=""/>
                            <code value="BSNR"/>
                    <system value=""/>
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                <extension url="">
                    <valueBoolean value="false" />
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                    <reference value="Coverage/TCI7596-1-1629639837586" />
                    <text value="Gripsschärfungstrank. Dieser Trank schärft die Sinne, macht schlauer und einfallsreicher. Wie Felix Felicis ist er während Prüfungen und Wettbewerben untersagt." />
                    <patientInstruction value="Bei Mondschein einzunehmen, anschließend 3 im Kreis drehen."/>
                        <value value="1" />
                        <system value="" />
                        <code value="{Package}" />
                    <allowedBoolean value="false" />
        <fullUrl value="http://pvs.praxis.local/fhir/Medication/69873" />
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                        <system value="" />
                        <code value="00" />
                <extension url="">
                    <valueBoolean value="false" />
                <extension url="">
                    <valueString value="Gürteltiergalle schnell erhitzen bestenf. mit zusätzl Zauber" />
                <extension url="">
                    <valueString value="Schachtel" />
                        <system value="" />
                        <code value="rezeptur" />
                    <text value="Zylinderampullen" />
                        <value value="50" />
                        <unit value="ml" />
                        <value value="1" />
                        <text value="Gürteltiergalle" />
                            <value value="20" />
                            <unit value="ml" />
                            <value value="1" />
                        <text value="Billywigstachel" />
                            <value value="1" />
                            <unit value="St" />
                            <value value="1" />
                        <text value="Skarabäuskäfer" />
                            <value value="3" />
                            <unit value="St" />
                            <value value="1" />
                        <text value="Ingwerwurzel" />
                            <value value="1" />
                            <unit value="St" />
                            <value value="1" />
        <fullUrl value="http://pvs.praxis-topp-gluecklich.local/fhir/MedicationStatement/e7cfc8b6-411d-44bf-a597-f756a6aa224f"/>
                <id value="e7cfc8b6-411d-44bf-a597-f756a6aa224f"/>
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                    <reference value="Patient/4727"/>
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                                <system value=""/>
                                <code value="HS"/>
                        <value value="1"/>
                        <unit value="Stück"/>
                        <system value=""/>
                        <code value="1"/>
            <method value="POST"/>
            <url value="/MedicationStatement/"/>
Example: RED receives patient, coverage and medication information and creates a new person, episode and patient record entry for a medication formula prescription (Rezepturverordnung) with flowtype extension
<Bundle xmlns="">
    <id value="70535347-7053-5347-1776792b827"/>
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            <extension url="">
                    <system value=""/>
                    <value value="Y/400/1910/36/458"/>
        <relation value="related"/>
        <url value="http://pvs.praxis-topp-gluecklich.local/fhir/Bundle/57eb40b4-07ba-b960-aca0-5227f5881292"/>
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                    <versionId value="3"/>
                    <lastUpdated value="2021-07-11T13:45:00+00:00"/>
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                <extension url="">
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                                <system value=""/>
                                <code value="D"/>
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                            <system value=""/>
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                                <extension url="">
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                                <extension url="">
                                    <valueString value="43"/>
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                            <postalCode value="20146"/>
                            <country value="D"/>
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                            <code value="GKV"/>
                    <system value=""/>
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                            <valueString value="SE"/>
                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="von"/>
                        <extension url="">
                            <valueString value="Mustermann"/>
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                            <valueString value="Musterstr."/>
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                            <valueString value="43"/>
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                            <system value=""/>
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                <extension url="">
                        <system value=""/>
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                    <end value="2022-07-31"/>
        <fullUrl value="/Practitioner/g4tcJvOhBU9hwTlwsKWDUhmT6Zku8b7M"/>
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