Practitioners are the physicians defined in RED as users/user LANRs. Practitioners contain names and identifiers for physicians. Practitioners can be searched using a search request (GET). Search returns a bundle of one or more FHIR items of type KBV_PR_AW_Behandelnder. The relation between physician (practitioner) and practice is defined by practitionerRoles → RED interchange API - Search/Read PractitionerRoles
For an example see RED Interchange API - Postman Collection 0020 - All Practitioners.
Example: this search requests fetches all practitioners defined in RED using paging to limit the number of results.
<Bundle xmlns="">
<id value="dbff52e9-2029-3847-ad78-acec1ddb1f66"/>
<lastUpdated value="2024-08-01T14:00:19+00:00"/>
<type value="searchset"/>
<total value="47"/>
<relation value="self"/>
<url value="/alexanderwilms_7788/Practitioner?page=1"/>
<relation value="first"/>
<url value="/alexanderwilms_7788/Practitioner?page=1"/>
<relation value="next"/>
<url value="/alexanderwilms_7788/Practitioner?page=2"/>
<relation value="last"/>
<url value="/alexanderwilms_7788/Practitioner?page=5"/>
<fullUrl value="/Practitioner/wK7hhpbEIG1qkSdvRCCd3AEA3W4lBfDB"/>
<Practitioner xmlns="">
<id value="wK7hhpbEIG1qkSdvRCCd3AEA3W4lBfDB"/>
<versionId value="1"/>
<lastUpdated value="2024-08-01T14:00:19+00:00"/>
<profile value="|1.3.0"/>
<status value="extensions"/>
<div xmlns="">Behandler Dr. med. Annie More (V1) | ID wK7hhpbEIG1qkSdvRCCd3AEA3W4lBfDB | Geschlecht unbekannt | Qualifikation Allgemeinmedizin | LANR 362364901 | Adresse Hauptstrasse 180, 56170 Bendorf | Telefon 0171 1014211 | zuletzt bearbeitet 2024-08-01T14:00:19+00:00</div>
<system value=""/>
<code value="LANR"/>
<system value=""/>
<value value="362364901"/>
<use value="official"/>
<text value="Dr. med. Annie More"/>
<family value="More">
<extension url="">
<valueString value="More"/>
<given value="Annie"/>
<prefix value="Dr. med.">
<extension url="">
<valueCode value="AC"/>
<system value="phone"/>
<value value="01711014211"/>
<system value="fax"/>
<value value="0643144672"/>
<type value="both"/>
<line value="Hauptstrasse 180">
<extension url="">
<valueString value="Hauptstrasse"/>
<extension url="">
<valueString value="180"/>
<city value="Bendorf"/>
<postalCode value="56170"/>
<country value="D"/>
<gender value="unknown"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="01"/>
// ... more entries
Data of a specific practitioner may be fetched using a read request (GET) with the identifier of the specific practitioner. The request returns a FHIR item of type KBV_PR_AW_Behandelnder
Example: this read request returns the FHIR item for practitionier with ID wK7hhpbEIG1qkSdvRCCd3AEA3W4lBfDB. The ID may be retrieved by a search request sent before this request.
For an example see RED Interchange API - Postman Collection 0021 - Specific Practitioner.
<Practitioner xmlns="">
<id value="wK7hhpbEIG1qkSdvRCCd3AEA3W4lBfDB"/>
<versionId value="1"/>
<lastUpdated value="2024-08-01T13:58:56+00:00"/>
<profile value="|1.3.0"/>
<status value="extensions"/>
<div xmlns="">Behandler Dr. med. Annie More (V1) | ID wK7hhpbEIG1qkSdvRCCd3AEA3W4lBfDB | Geschlecht unbekannt | Qualifikation Allgemeinmedizin | LANR 362364901 | Adresse Hauptstrasse 180, 56170 Bendorf | Telefon 0171 1014211 | zuletzt bearbeitet 2024-08-01T13:58:56+00:00</div>
<system value=""/>
<code value="LANR"/>
<system value=""/>
<value value="362364901"/>
<use value="official"/>
<text value="Dr. med. Annie More"/>
<family value="More">
<extension url="">
<valueString value="More"/>
<given value="Annie"/>
<prefix value="Dr. med.">
<extension url="">
<valueCode value="AC"/>
<system value="phone"/>
<value value="01711014211"/>
<system value="fax"/>
<value value="0643144672"/>
<type value="both"/>
<line value="Hauptstrasse 180">
<extension url="">
<valueString value="Hauptstrasse"/>
<extension url="">
<valueString value="180"/>
<city value="Bendorf"/>
<postalCode value="56170"/>
<country value="D"/>
<gender value="unknown"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="01"/>