PractitionerRoles combine physicians and their practices defined in RED. PractitionerRoles contain a reference to practitioners and organizations. PractitionerRoles can be searched using a search request (GET) Search returns a bundle of one or more FHIR items of type KBV_PR_AW_Behandelnder.
For an example see RED Interchange API - Postman Collection 0030 - All PractitionerRoles.
Example: this search requests fetches all practitionerRoles defined in RED using paging to limit the number of results.
<Bundle xmlns="">
<id value="9ee8ae62-2b54-e16f-0565-8f00c42003b8"/>
<lastUpdated value="2024-08-01T13:44:26+00:00"/>
<type value="searchset"/>
<total value="456"/>
<relation value="self"/>
<url value="/alexanderwilms_7788/PractitionerRole?page=1"/>
<relation value="first"/>
<url value="/alexanderwilms_7788/PractitionerRole?page=1"/>
<relation value="next"/>
<url value="/alexanderwilms_7788/PractitionerRole?page=2"/>
<relation value="last"/>
<url value="/alexanderwilms_7788/PractitionerRole?page=46"/>
<fullUrl value="/PractitionerRole/TcYtTcJHpzXbgAoEAG091FE05w0ZhrXn"/>
<PractitionerRole xmlns="">
<id value="TcYtTcJHpzXbgAoEAG091FE05w0ZhrXn"/>
<versionId value="1"/>
<lastUpdated value="2024-08-01T13:44:26+00:00"/>
<profile value="|1.2.0"/>
<status value="extensions"/>
<div xmlns="">Behandlerrolle Dr. med. Annie More (V1) | ID TcYtTcJHpzXbgAoEAG091FE05w0ZhrXn | LANR 362364901 | Behandler Dr. med. Annie More | BSNR 478818100 | zuletzt bearbeitet 2024-08-01T13:44:26+00:00</div>
<reference value="Practitioner/wK7hhpbEIG1qkSdvRCCd3AEA3W4lBfDB/_history/1"/>
<reference value="Organization/base_user_group_admin/_history/1"/>
<fullUrl value="/PractitionerRole/6ZOBiBrqOkrlTdTiGfyAFbhsboAAO8dJ"/>
<PractitionerRole xmlns="">
<id value="6ZOBiBrqOkrlTdTiGfyAFbhsboAAO8dJ"/>
<versionId value="1"/>
<lastUpdated value="2024-08-01T13:44:26+00:00"/>
<profile value="|1.2.0"/>
<status value="extensions"/>
<div xmlns="">Behandlerrolle Dr. med. Annie More (V1) | ID 6ZOBiBrqOkrlTdTiGfyAFbhsboAAO8dJ | LANR 362364901 | Behandler Dr. med. Annie More | BSNR 241234601 | zuletzt bearbeitet 2024-08-01T13:44:26+00:00</div>
<reference value="Practitioner/wK7hhpbEIG1qkSdvRCCd3AEA3W4lBfDB/_history/1"/>
<reference value="Organization/ehAMIhoDyyMPvS$6/_history/1"/>
// ... more entries
Data of a specific practitionerRole may be fetched using a read request (GET) with the identifier of the specific practitionerRole. The request returns a FHIR item of type KBV_PR_AW_BehandelnderFunktion
Example: this read request returns the FHIR item for practitionerRole with ID TcYtTcJHpzXbgAoEAG091FE05w0ZhrXn. The ID may be retrieved by a search request sent before this request.
For an example see RED Interchange API - Postman Collection 0031 - Specific PractitionerRole
<PractitionerRole xmlns="">
<id value="TcYtTcJHpzXbgAoEAG091FE05w0ZhrXn"/>
<versionId value="1"/>
<lastUpdated value="2024-08-01T13:46:57+00:00"/>
<profile value="|1.2.0"/>
<status value="extensions"/>
<div xmlns="">Behandlerrolle Dr. med. Annie More (V1) | ID TcYtTcJHpzXbgAoEAG091FE05w0ZhrXn | LANR 362364901 | Behandler Dr. med. Annie More | BSNR 478818100 | zuletzt bearbeitet 2024-08-01T13:46:57+00:00</div>
<reference value="Practitioner/wK7hhpbEIG1qkSdvRCCd3AEA3W4lBfDB/_history/1"/>
<reference value="Organization/base_user_group_admin/_history/1"/>
PractitionerRoles may also be fetched for a given practitioner or organization ID, returning all practitionerRoles the practitioner or organization is referenced to.
Example: this read request returns the FHIR items for all practitionerRoles referenced to practitioner ID wK7hhpbEIG1qkSdvRCCd3AEA3W4lBfDB.
For an example see RED Interchange API - Postman Collection 0032 - PractitionerRole for Practitioner-ID and 0033 - PractitionerRole for Organization-ID
All practitionerRoles for a specific practitioner may be fetched using a read request with practitioner identifier.
Example: this read request returns an array of all practitionerRoles for practitionier with ID wK7hhpbEIG1qkSdvRCCd3AEA3W4lBfDB. The ID may be retrieved by a search request sent before this request.