The RED interchange API provides requests for signing electronic documents using the Telematik Infrastruktur features.

signpdf - QES for PDF document

A PDF-1A document may be signed electronically with a qualified electronic signature (QES) using the users HBA by using the signpdf request. The document must be PDF-1A with embedded fonts, any other PDF type will be rejected by the signature process.

Example for a signpdf request with HBA name and option for local file

See RED Interchange API - Postman Collection 0501 - TI - Signpdf

cardname - this parameter specifies the signature card by its name. The type of card must be a Heilberufeausweis HBA. Any other type may not be used.

filepath - this is an optional parameter specifying filepath and filename. if given RED will save a local copy of the signed PDF file.

The body of the request must contain a minimized DocumentReference bundle with the PDF file as base64 string. A patient reference is not required.

Example of request body for a signpdf request
<Bundle xmlns="">
    <id value="10000"/>
                        <data value="JVBERi0xLjMKJcTl8uXrp/Og0....IzNTI0Mjk0NWJiMjcxPgo8NGFmODU0ZDc2MWJjODAzMWM5MjM1MjQyOTQ1YmIyNzE+IF0gPj4Kc3RhcnR4cmVmCjQzMDU4MwolJUVPRgo="/>

If successful the request will return Status 200 and an XML object with signature status and signature data (the signed PDF-document as base64-String)

Example of a successful signature request

If unsuccessful the request returns Status 400 and an error object.

Example of an error message
    <Error>No valid xml file</Error>

The signed PDF document may be opened and verified in any PDF reader

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